Change Detection
Get ready to unleash your inner hawk with, the digital sentinel that never blinks! Ideal for bargain hunters on the prowl, intrepid data journalists, gadget-loving research engineers, wizard-like data scientists, and the Sherlock Holmes of security researchers. This app is like a Swiss Army knife for your URLs, allowing you to keep a vigilant eye on up to a whopping 5,000 of them. With a buffet of over 85 notification flavors, you'll be spoilt for choice on how to receive your intel. Whether it's sniffing out the slightest price wiggle or a sneaky restock, or diving deep into the matrix to monitor changes in PDF texts, JSON jungles, and XML mazes, this app has got you covered. It's like having a super-smart robot that not only detects product restocks but also does a little victory dance for you. Plus, it's got the moves to interact with browsers – think typing, clicking, and setting up your very own change-detective scenarios. Host it on RepoCloud, where the cost is as friendly as your neighborhood Spider-Man, and you'll be living the dream of a data ninja, getting those change alerts faster than a speeding bullet. is your go-to for staying one step ahead in the game of data!